Creating charuco print

In this page we will learn how to prepare an image in tiff format that should be ready for printing. Alongside the image we will generate a text file that will hold board dimensions for further reference if needed.

We will further dive into how to choose optimal print size for your setup and provide some recommendations.

If your goal is to calibrate a multi-device scene, please read Multi-device setup before generating and printing an image!

Begin by navigating to the Recording Tab and enabling either Live Intrinsic or Live Extrinsic mode - either option will work. Next, locate the Generate Image / Choose Presets button on the left side of the window below the board settings. Press this button, and in the modal window that appears, select one of the size presets you’re targeting.

If your goal is to calibrate a multi-camera scene, consider using a larger format or adjusting the marker sizes. Remember that the farther the devices are from each other, the farther back you’ll need to stand for the board to be visible in both camera views. As distance increases, the markers tend to become less distinguishable.

For multi-camera setups, we recommend starting with an A3 format. If that’s not feasible, try adjusting the square length and marker size on a smaller print. There are two rules to follow:

  1. The number of squares on the X and Y axes cannot be the same. For example, having 3 rows on the X axis and 3 rows on the Y axis is incorrect. The second axis should have at least one more row, ideally two.
  2. When calculating your custom square or marker sizes, ensure that you leave some white space around the board. Refer to how the default image is generated from a preset and notice the white space around the edges.

For single-camera calibration, an A4 format is more than enough. Since you can bring the camera close to the print during calibration, a larger size won’t make much difference. If you're not planning on setting up a multi-camera scene, A4 is perfectly fine.

Print DPI ( dots per inch )

The Print Quality setting only serves as a hint when generating the .tiff file. In your printing software, make sure to select the highest possible quality, as print imperfections can impact the accuracy of your calibration. All images are provided at the correct PPI.


When printing the image, do not set any scaling as the generated image is already the size of paper format in selected DPI.

Do not perform any rasterization on the image if your printer allows that.

Like mentioned above, use original scaling, the image is already scaled.


When you are happy with the board, press save .tiff image and choose where to save the generated image and a text file containing the board data. After printing please verify that the size of printed markers is the same as selected in the setup.