Changelog Timeline
Stay up to date with new patches
August 17 2022
- PS3 eye driver formatting
August 16 2022
- rework EstimatorTasks
- Human detection SceneTask
- Triangulation SceneTask
- Extrinsic calibration SceneTask
- Intrinsic calibration SceneTask
August 15 2022
- SceneTask, implement Charuco detection as SceneTask
August 11 2022
- Integrate human detection and triangulation
- Tflite human estimation port
- Copy intrinisic/extrinsic from other scene
August 10 2022
- calibration gui. Ugly hacks, but it works
- Cleanups in calibrators
- Port Calibrators
- Detect charuco
- Charuco detection in config and scene jsons
- settings for all cameras at once
August 9 2022
- camera parameter setup
- unify singleton calling
- remove manual adding devices to scene
- charuco detector port
- Store scene recording metadata
- Recording setup and UI
- fix background worker
- scene recording save path
- Separate tabs and window source
August 8 2022
- Camera launch options
- add background worker
- update ps3EyeDriver
- GUI details
- DeviceMgr and CameraThread base