Changelog Timeline

Stay up to date with new patches

July 14 2023
  • Installer: Update installer and uninstaller finish page Viewport: Initialize default window to 1280x720
July 13 2023
  • Assets: Add a few more installer assets
  • push missing files
  • Build: Move creating installer to cmake/scripts/AImationPackageInstaller Move semver from code to cmake level
July 11 2023
  • enable installing and cpack+NSIS
  • Network: Extend NetworkCameraDeviceSettings with ImageFormatGroup & ResolutionPreset
  • cameraAPI: Make directshow and camera network devices initialized on main thread pass device name when de-registering device
  • ViewportTab: Make viewport dockspace, viewport window names unique for each tab This fixes an issue where one tab would interfere with another tabs dockspace - move forceDockspaceRefresh to member of ViewportTab instead of static, as it worked only once
  • Reconstructed frame: Slightly refactor FillHandsEdge and FillHumanEdges
  • Network: Add `DeviceName` field to NetworkCameraDeviceRegisterResponsePkt
  • SBS: Add 42 bones(21 per hand) from new hand pose model
July 10 2023
  • load all opencv images in graph for slight speed increase
  • Protocol: Fix packet handler id being different each time packet is created, not sure what i was thinking initially :( Thanks @Piootrek
  • Network: Merge lens direction and sensor orientation into NetworkCameraDeviceSettings struct implement UpdateNetworkDeviceSettingsPkt which sends out UpdateNetworkDeviceSettingsResponsePkt with new settings and FoundDevice field which indicates whether a
  • Protocol: Adjust RegisterNetworkCameraDevicePkt to hold more data about network camera Rename CreateNewScenePkt to CreateNewOrOpenExistingScenePkt Implement RequestRecordingStartPkt & RecordingStartResponsePkt If recording can be started then RecordingSt
  • Networking: Implement RequestRecordingStopPkt and RecordingStopResponsePkt RecordingStopResponsePkt gets sent out to all connected devices unless the recording is not running then send out to the client requesting stop required for /AIMation/Aimation-mo
  • Widgets: Allow to delete corrupted recordings closes /issues/87
  • ViewportContext: Consume wheel when window is active Draw axis indicator at the edge of the grid
July 9 2023
  • Feature: Implement Up & Down ( Q & E keybinds ) as well as zooming in/out using mouse wheel
  • Viewport: Retain last used viewport context so we can still move around while interacting with another window
July 8 2023
  • Finish implementing sending crashlogs to crashlog API endpoint if user chooses to
July 7 2023
  • typo
  • more test with holistic
  • postprocessing of pose+hands
  • adjust viewport scaling
  • Main: Initialize editor command mgr before main window and update comment as it's wrong and completely backwards
  • fix crash
  • Crash/Windows: Automatically launch Launcher.exe with --crashreporter upon aimation crash
  • Crash/Windows: Properly pass command line arguments when creating crash report process
July 6 2023
  • ViewportContext: a more responsive and controllable movement - Reduce camera speed multiplier to 10 instead of 100, turn camera speed into a float